Erotic stories of I\'m now quite happy
Profile page of I\'m now quite happy. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
I\'m now quite happy wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 170 times
My Time had comeBack in high school and college I tried and failed to date the girl I was really attracted too. I was too boring I was told; I preferred study over partying and didn't do reckless things just for a bit fun on the spur of the moment. I liked to think things thru first, so I never dated her. She married a fun-loving exciting guy and very reckless, I focused on my studies than my career. I did do exciting things in my mind skydiving and diving the reefs and learnt martial arts mainly to keep fit. H... reading time 4 mingenreStraightwritten on